Dogs are not our whole life,
but they make our lives whole.

~Roger Caras

Once you've decided to get professional help, everything
else is fairly straightforward.
  How does it work?
  How do you and your dog get started?
  What will it cost?

Allow me to show you how we'll start, plus how I set up your session fee.

1) Initial assessment and consultation
I will come visit you to meet you and the dog(s), see the exact problems you are having, discuss what you have tried, what did or didn't work, and understand what your goals are for you and your dog(s). This is also an opportunity for you to evaluate me. This usually lasts up to an hour, and is done in a location where I can see the issues (your home, the park, café, etc.). This initial consultation is free of charge, and of course there is no obligation to continue.

2) Quotation and agreement to proceed
Based on the information gathered during the initial consultation I will be able to provide an estimation of the time and money I think it will take to fix the issue or get you where you want to be. Sometimes this can be done at the same time as the initial consultation; sometimes it will have to be another date.

3) One-on-one training sessions
If you agree with the estimate and we decide to proceed, I will provide personalised one-on-one training for you and your dog. These sessions are charged at $100 per hour, and usually include some written notes that you can keep. These sessions can be quite intense, and involve a lot of information, so they are usually limited to 2 hours max per visit.

4) Follow-up
After we have completed the course of personalised sessions, you will have the tools and knowledge to continue the training and achieve your desired results.

Of course I am always available for questions and advice, and a certain amount of follow-up is expected. If we decide that further sessions are required, these can be arranged on an as-needed basis.